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Oscar Salinas

Hello! Welcome to PANAMUN XXXII, I’m Oscar Salinas, and I’m a senior at the International School of Panama. I’m super excited to be a chair at UNCSTD and I can’t wait to see you there! I was born in California, USA, but I’ve lived in Brazil, Singapore, USA, and now Panama where I’ve been for 3 years. Panama is where I attended my first MUN conference, which was PANAMUN XXIX in 9th grade, and that’s where I discovered my passion for debate. In my free time, I like to travel, play soccer, and create music. I think PANAMUN is a great place to build on important skills learned through debate such as leadership and public speaking which are crucial skills you’ll need for the rest of your life. I’m super excited to see everyone, and hopefully, we can spark an intense debate about all kinds of problems and actions. If anybody has any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at this email, or my co-chair. Can’t wait to see everyone!





Fernando Mangione    

Hello delegates My name is Fernando Mangione I am Honored to be your Admin for this committee in PANAMUNXXXII. I was born in Venezuela and lived in Mexico, Brazil, and now in Panama. My family is from Venezuela and Italy and I have two older brothers. I have been in the International School of Panama for six years and now I am currently in my Senior year of High School this makes it my seventh year in this school. In the past PANAMUN comferances I was a delegate for the past 3 years and this is my first time being a admin. Other than PANAMUN  I like to do is swimming, playing video games, playing the guitar, driving and spending time with family and friends. The dabtes in PANAMUN became something that I look forward to because in my first year of PANAMUN I didn’t like because I was force to do it and it was boring but then when I saw that it was fun I got inspired and wanted to get a position in the debate. One fact about me is that UNCSTD is the first committe that I participated in PANAMUN and I am very excited to be it’s Adamin. Now you know a little more about me and hope to see you in PANAMUNXXXII. See you all their. 

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